Michael Jimenez
CrossFit Level 1 Trainer
My names is Michael Jimenez and I grew up here in Stockton. I started coaching CrossFit classes at CrossFit 209 in October of 2015. I stumbled across this opportunity while finishing up my engineering degree at the University of the Pacific. After working an engineering internship, I quickly realized working in that field as soon as I graduated was not the path for me. After cross training changed my life, I was given the chance to coach some boot camp classes at a different box. Here is where I realized I wanted to be a part of Crossfit and it's vision. Why I coach CrossFit is also my favorite part of being a coach. It's the most fulfilling job I've had the opportunity of having. Nothing feels better than hearing day in and day out how much better your clients lives are because of what we do here at The Human Improvement Project. It goes way beyond just losing weight or looking better; for me it's all about hearing how a client now has the energy to go out on weekends and take their kids to the park; how after years of being on medication for diabetes or high blood pressure, they no longer need it. Simple enough just to hear that this hour in the gym has been the best hour so far after a bad day, makes what I do worthwhile.
After becoming a coach I've realized that I belong in a career of public service. Where I can make a positive difference in peoples lives every day, however minuscule it may be. Becoming a firefighter or police officer is what I see in my future, and what I am currently pursuing.
When it comes to the sport of CrossFit, my goal is to make it to regionals as an individual. I see my self competing for however long I'm having fun in the sport. I realize I have an opportunity to train surrounded by an awesome group of individuals and coach amazing clients, so I'm just enjoying everyday of it.